…Thank You Google for Subsidizing my iPhone – Economic Forces, , https://pricetheory.substack.com/p/thank-you-google-for-subsidizing?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email&utm_source=copy (last visited Nov 13, 2020). [7] Structural Separation and Self-Preferencing: What are the Right Lessons of History? –…

…such agreements require individual assessment. The VBER is accompanied by a set of guidelines (Guidelines on Vertical Restraints) that are designed to help companies self-assess. The VBER entered into force…

…platform may include: Self-preferencing, whereby a platform favours its own services directly or indirectly in situations when it has a dual role of providing the platform and competing on the…

…stating that self-regulation (such as sustainability agreements) will only exceptionally be justified. In France, eight French regulators — including the French Competition Authority — published a working paper on their…

…appeal envisaged by the Commission will have to be grounded on the fifth finding (supra), for self-evident reasons.[20] Admittedly, it is not infrequent for applicants (and the Court of Justice…