In the complex landscape of global defense procurement, nations often find themselves navigating a delicate balance between fostering domestic capabilities and maintaining fair competition. A landmark case in South Korea’s defense industry has brought this tension into sharp focus, offering valuable insights into the intricacies of antitrust regulation in the context of national security interests….

It would no longer be surprising to see competition or regulatory authorities blaming digital platforms for favouring their own services on their own platforms. In particular, in Europe, seeing the General Court’s Google decisions (see e.g., Johannes Persch’s blog posts on Shopping and Android) and the self-preferencing obligation of the Digital Markets Act (see, e.g.,…

Looking back at 2022 Looking back, 2022 has been a turbulent year for competition law and policy in Korea. In terms of digital competition policy, the pendulum has swiftly swung away from regulation to competition enforcement. With the arrival of a new President and administration, the previous administration’s platform regulation bill lost momentum. Instead, the…

2021 will likely be counted as one of the most monumental years in the history of Korean competition law and policy. Above all, the amendment of Korean competition law, Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act (“Korean competition law”), which significantly overhauled it, was entered into force. In addition, several bills to regulate digital platforms were…

On February 26, 2019, the Korea Fair Trade Commission (“KFTC”) announced in its official press release that, as of February 27, 2019, a new set of standards for reviewing mergers in R&D-intensive industries and those involving “big data” will be introduced in the Merger Review Guideline (“Amended Guideline”).  The Amended Guideline marks one of the…