While Ukraine has been making headlines over the past few months with the presidential elections, there have also been several notable news items regarding Ukrainian merger control. At the end of April, two record fines for merger control violations – in the amounts of EUR 1.9 million and EUR 1.8 million – were imposed by…

The European Commission’s Chief Competition Economist in a recent presentation specifically referred to the notion of “platform envelopment” and the possibilities of leverage.[1] His social-media posts about the power of search engines and browsers to gain advantages in other areas, such as videos, maps and shopping, suggest a sense of insecurity about the growing influence…

In 2016, the Bulgarian Commission for Protection of Competition (“BCPC”) was notified for the intention of two of the biggest Bulgarian companies operating on the market of the manufacturing, repair and trade of defence-related products to merge. EMKO Ltd. aimed to acquire direct and sole control over Dunarit JSC by means of purchasing newly issued…

Common ownership currently is one of the focus topics in the antitrust community. Einer Elhauge, a Harvard Law professor, has called it the “greatest anticompetitive threat of our times”. Others believe that there is no issue at all. The below gives an overview on the status of the debate and analyses the recent EU Commission…

After an 18 month investigation involving officials from both the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (“CCPC”) and Ireland’s Director of Public Prosecution, and a first-ever criminal prosecution, a company that gun-jumped Irish merger control rules avoided criminal conviction by agreement to donate €2,000 to charity, following a guilty plea. Irish competition law renders it a…

Combinations, in the form of acquisitions, merger and amalgamations crossing specified assets or turnover thresholds in India are subject to review by the Competition Commission of India (CCI). Most combinations, however, do not raise competition concerns and even if they do, a combination can still be approved subject to modification made to the combination. As…

In every investment property transaction, investors and their advisers need to consider the potential requirement for approval of the Irish Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (the “CCPC”) before the transaction can proceed.  With recent changes to the notification thresholds, we highlight the questions to be asked and the issues to be aware of in navigating…

The Bulgarian Supreme Administrative Court (“SAC”) in a 5-member panel (acting as final instance) has annulled the decision of the 3-member panel of the SAC (acting as second instance) regarding the appeal of a decision of the Bulgarian Commission for Protection of Competition (“BCPC”). The ground for annulment is the lack of analysis of the…

Introduction The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) is an independent statutory body charged with certain key regulatory responsibilities in respect of broadcasting services, including licensing and approval of changes in ownership and control.  The BAI is guided in making these decisions by its Ownership and Control Policy (the Policy).  The Policy gives practical effect to…

On February 26, 2019, the Korea Fair Trade Commission (“KFTC”) announced in its official press release that, as of February 27, 2019, a new set of standards for reviewing mergers in R&D-intensive industries and those involving “big data” will be introduced in the Merger Review Guideline (“Amended Guideline”).  The Amended Guideline marks one of the…