Introduction 2022 was an eventful year for competition law in India. The Competition Commission of India (CCI) operated optimally approving combinations notified before it in reasonable timelines, conducting significant dawn raids, passing notable orders that made international headlines, and conducting market studies. The anticipated amendments to the Competition Act, 2002 (Act) were discussed ad nauseum…

In Denmark, the Danish Competition Council is the principal enforcer of competition law with the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority acting as the day-to-day caretaker, including rendering decisions in (minor) cases. Decisions from either the Competition and Consumer Authority and the Competition Council may be appealed to the Danish Competition Appeals Board or the judiciary,…

With 2022 now in hindsight, it is time to take stock of what happened in the Swedish competition law arena during the first post-pandemic year. To sum up, after a relatively long period with little or no action in the competition field, the Swedish Competition Authority (the SCA) is once again picking up speed and…

Year at a glance 2022 brought a major legislative overhaul, with the Slovenian parliament adopting a new Competition Act (“Competition Act”; sl. Zakon o preprečevanju omejevanja konkurence 2). While turnover thresholds remained unchanged, the Competition Act introduced the much-awaited simplified notification procedure (akin to Short Form CO). Despite the inflationary environment and raising interest rates,…

General considerations During 2022 there have been no changes regarding the competition law since it was last enacted in 2018. The bill approved by the Senate in February 2021 amending certain aspects of the law, was not discussed at the House of Deputies during 2022 and is expected to lose parliamentary status in February 2023….

A year of establishing crucial goals and flourishing development The previous year was flourishing and fruitful for the development of competition law in Kazakhstan. According to the annual report of the Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the “Agency”) on the state of competition and measures to limit…

Thank you for another wonderful and eventful year in competition law and policy. In 2022, the ten most read blogposts were: Shamsher Kataria v. Honda Siel Cars India Ltd. – Great End, but Means? by Ayushi Singhal (West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences) What to consider restrictive by object? by Christian Bergqvist (University of…

Introduction The blockchain industry is undergoing tremendous development and expansion, with new applications and technology constantly appearing. In Hong Kong, blockchain-based industries and activities, such as cryptocurrencies, are gaining popularity and attention. As these industries grow, they must be governed in a manner that fosters competition and protects consumers. Competition law in Hong Kong is…

On September 29th 2022, the Commission published Guidelines on the application of Union competition law to collective agreements regarding the working conditions of solo self-employed persons (hereinafter: the Guidelines). The first draft of this document was released almost a year ago as part of a package including a proposed Directive on platform work. The Guidelines,…