In the last edition of the International Law Talk Podcast, I had the pleasure to interview Jay Modrall on the Illumina/Grail saga. Jay talks us through the whole case with all its interesting aspects: external and internal dimensions, article 22 referrals, gun-jumping, phase II, court proceedings, substantive issues with competition innovation and much more. Listen…

The Kluwer Competition Law Blog will remain open but will slow down a bit in the coming weeks. We hope you are having a wonderful summer! If you don’t want to miss out on reading about competition law developments in the meantime, we recommend catching up on our series on the main 2021 developments in…

Two Germans meet in Graz to discuss private enforcement of competition law in the EU. Tune in for the first in-person interview of the competition edition of the International Law Talk Podcast. On a warm summer day in June, I interviewed Thomas Thiede on our favorite topic: private enforcement of competition law and its newest…

2021 brought many interesting competition law developments around the world. We are happy to report that our second edition of the series on main developments in competition law and policy involved even more country reports. Check them out: Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Canada China Denmark European Union Georgia Germany Greece Italy Korea The Netherlands Poland…

Recent posts on this blog (here) have already highlighted the role that the adoption of Directive 2014/104/EU (Damages Directive or Directive) and the European Commission’s (EC) decision in case AT.39824 – Trucks, amongst other events, have played as turning points in private enforcement of competition law in the EU. The Directive has led not only…

Better late than never. Last year’s recap post on European Union competition law and policy developments already was quite long (see post here). This year’s post might even be longer. Sorry, dear readers, nothing much I can do – 2021 was a very busy year.   Article 101 – of principles, evaluation of rules and…

Europe’s leniency programs face a problem. Creating an incentive for private enforcement with the 2014 Damages Directive came at the expense of leniency applications all over the EU. A further balance of public and private enforcement will be necessary. Many approaches have been discussed. Recently, calls for exemptions or limitations of civil liability for leniency…

We are happy to announce the new International Law Talk Podcast episode on the interrelations between merger control, FDI, subsidy control & EU trade law. In the episode, I discuss with competition and trade experts and my former colleagues François-Charles Laprévote and Wanjie Lin from Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP. We focus on the…

We are delighted to see so many of our dear contributors’ blog posts shortlisted in different categories of the 2021 Antitrust Writing Awards. Congratulations on this great achievement! Now it is on you, loyal readers of the blog, to vote for these brilliant pieces:   Business Articles – Concerted Practices Oleksander Dyakulych and Anastasiia Panchak…

Like last year, we will end 2021 with a series on the main developments in Competition Law and Policy. In the coming weeks, our contributors will update you on the 2021 developments in key jurisdictions – with many old and quite some new faces. In 2021, we had a steady growth of new readers. Thank…