Thank you for another wonderful and eventful year in competition law and policy. Our readership grew and so did the ideas and exchanges on competition law. It is exciting to see the blog progress and your knowledge spread across the world. In 2023, the ten most read blogposts were: Deployers of High-Risk AI Systems: What…

The Digital Markets Act has been analysed from a myriad of prisms, both from the public and private enforcement perspectives. However, less attention has been dedicated to analysing the actual content of private enforcement via collective actions, as set out explicitly in Articles 42 and 52 of the DMA. Article 42 DMA establishes that “Directive…

The Kluwer Competition Law Blog will remain open but will slow down a bit in the coming weeks. We hope you are having a wonderful summer! If you don’t want to miss out on reading about competition law developments in the meantime, we recommend catching up on our series on the main 2022 developments in…

After the last two editions of the Main Developments in Competition Law and Policy in the European Union (see for 2021 here and for 2020 here), I know you cannot wait for the 2022 edition. Let’s go!   Article 101 TFEU Are We There Yet? Single and Continuous Infringement Just when you think every story…

The judgment of the European Court of Justice (CJEU) in Tráficos Manuel Ferrer (C-312/21) provides some clarity on the compatibility of national cost rules and judicial damages estimation with EU primary law – the effective enforcement of EU competition law – and the rules of the Damages Directive. The CJEU followed AG Kokott’s opinion to…

In 2022, we had many interesting and well written blogposts on the Kluwer Competition Law Blog. We are delighted to see that some of them got shortlisted for the 2022 Antitrust Writing Awards. Congratulations on this great achievement!   Please vote for these brilliant pieces: Till Steinvorth (Noerr): European Commission Changes its Policy on Providing…

Thank you for another wonderful and eventful year in competition law and policy. In 2022, the ten most read blogposts were: Shamsher Kataria v. Honda Siel Cars India Ltd. – Great End, but Means? by Ayushi Singhal (West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences) What to consider restrictive by object? by Christian Bergqvist (University of…

The year is almost over, so it‘s time for the Kluwer Competition Law Blog series on the main developments in Competition Law and Policy again. Next week, we will start with the first insightful contributions from around the globe. In the coming weeks and months, our contributors will update you on the developments in key…

In the last edition of the International Law Talk Podcast, I had the pleasure to interview Jay Modrall on the Illumina/Grail saga. Jay talks us through the whole case with all its interesting aspects: external and internal dimensions, article 22 referrals, gun-jumping, phase II, court proceedings, substantive issues with competition innovation and much more. Listen…