Year at a glance 2023 saw further consolidation of the banking sector, with OTP Bank buying NKBM, creating the second largest bank in the country. In MOL / OMV Slovenija, the European Commission (“EC”) cleared (after a Phase II investigation and subject to an up-front-buyer remedy) MOL’s acquisition of OMV’s gas station network in Slovenia….

In Denmark, the Danish Competition Council is the principal enforcer of competition law, with the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority acting as the day-to-day caretaker, including rendering decisions in (minor) cases. Decisions from either the Competition and Consumer Authority or the Competition Council may be appealed to the Danish Competition Appeals Board or the judiciary,…

The D-day for the Digital Markets Act (DMA) compliance is fast approaching. Starting from March 2024, the regulatory framework’s substantive obligations will start to apply to the six designated gatekeepers concerning 22 of their core platform services (on the first designation decisions issued by the European Commission see here). In the meantime, the European Commission…

2023 was certainly an eventful year for competition law and policy in Peru. Its Competition Agency, the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI, after its Spanish acronym) was not immune from the instability of Peruvian politics. Two months after the failed coup d’état perpetrated by Pedro Castillo,…

At the end of 2023, the Bulgarian Commission for Protection of Competition (“CPC”) issued a key decision related to an abuse of dominance case in the pharmaceutical sector. The decision, which is expected to have a significant impact on the parallel export of pharmaceuticals, provides a clue to the CPC’s approach when parallel export concerns…

The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (the “CMA”) has published a research report on competition and market power in labour markets. The report is likely to reinforce the CMA’s determination to use its competition law powers to tackle anti-competitive behaviour in labour markets, as well as the case for broader legislative reform.   The report…

Introduction On 21 December 2023 the Court changed its interpretation of EU competition law. The three judgments handed down that day asked as many questions as they answered, and it was obvious that further clarification would be required. Already in January 2024 two further rulings – Case C‑128/21 Lietuvos notarų rūmai, and others and Case…

On 22 September 2023, the European Commission adopted a decision imposing a fine of €376.36 million on microprocessor manufacturer Intel. This decision relates to the facts that had already been sanctioned in an earlier decision of 13 May 2009. How can this apparent inconsistency be explained? In fact, the first decision was annulled in January…

Foundation models are not new to society or technological development. The deep neural network and self-supervised learning they are based on have existed for decades. However, the explosion and ramping up in user adoption of apps based on Large Language Models (LLMs) working on natural language processing (NLP) has shaken the whole tech industry during…

Looking back on the year 2023, this note aims to give an update on the state of play in Chinese merger control. In particular, it looks at how merger control has evolved since China’s main antitrust statute – the Anti-Monopoly Law (“AML”) – was amended for the first time in summer 2022. I will look…