“All animals are equal but some are more equal than others” (George Orwell, ‘Animal Farm’) On 28 November 2022, the Council of the European Union gave its final approval to the new EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation 2022/2560 (the FSR). The regulation addresses distortions created by subsidies that are granted by non-EU countries to companies operating…

A year of establishing crucial goals and flourishing development The previous year was flourishing and fruitful for the development of competition law in Kazakhstan. According to the annual report of the Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the “Agency”) on the state of competition and measures to limit…

Factual background Just before 2022 ended the Commission sent a statement of objections to Meta regarding the potential abusive behaviour of Facebook. According to the statement of objections, Facebook may be engaging in (i) abusive tying practices with regard to Facebook Marketplace as users (i.e. consumers) that log into Facebook and are automatically also offered…

The year 2022 was an eventful year both for the Icelandic Competition Authority (“ICA”) and Icelandic Courts regarding competition enforcement and merger control. Iceland is a member of the EEA Agreement and Icelandic competition law therefore mainly mirrors EU competition law. Over the year several high-profile merger cases were amicably resolved following rigorous substantive assessments…

Last November, on the 10th anniversary of the Brazilian Competition Act (Law No. 12,529/2012, or BCA), a long-expected regulation aiming at incentivizing actions for antitrust damages was enacted in Brazil (the so-called “Brazilian Private Enforcement Package” – BPEP, or Law No. 14,470/2022). Formerly proposed before the Brazilian Senate in 2016 (Senate Bill 283/2016) and inspired…

Thank you for another wonderful and eventful year in competition law and policy. In 2022, the ten most read blogposts were: Shamsher Kataria v. Honda Siel Cars India Ltd. – Great End, but Means? by Ayushi Singhal (West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences) What to consider restrictive by object? by Christian Bergqvist (University of…

By now the issues surrounding the Super League need no further introduction. On the one hand, there are monopolists that potentially abuse their dominant position, whereas, on the other hand, there is a controversial collective of clubs, seeking to change or expand Europe’s current football offering. Consequently, the ECJ’s ruling may shape Europe’s sports sector…

The Canadian government has proposed legislation to update and reinforce its national security review process under the Investment Canada Act (ICA). The proposed changes – contained in Bill C-34, National Security Review of Investments Modernization Act (Bill) – are the most significant since the ICA’s national security regime was introduced in 2009.   Proposed New…

The European Commission has published a Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (“Q&A”) document which aims to provide practical information with respect to the application of its recently revised Article 22 referral policy. The Q&A in particular addresses how transaction parties can approach the EC for “early indications” whether a transaction is a candidate for referral…

On 10 October 2022, the European Commission (EC) sent a Statement of Objections to Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Limited and Teva Pharmaceuticals Europe BV (Teva). The EC has provisionally found that Teva abused its dominant position in the market for the treatment of multiple sclerosis by misusing patent procedures and engaging in a disparagement campaign. This is not…