In an opinion delivered on 11 January 2024, Advocate General Szpunar concludes that the concept of ‘undertaking’ cannot be invoked to determine the parties that can be served legal documents in antitrust damages claims. He clarifies that the concept of undertaking applies to substantive competition law only – to determine the parties who may be…

What a difference five years make. In 2019, the European Union (EU) created a modest common framework for foreign direct investment (FDI) screening, Regulation 2019/452 (the FDI Regulation), stressing that decisions on proposed investments, and even the decision whether to engage in FDI screening at all, remained with EU Member States. A pandemic and two…

The Digital Markets Act (DMA) is now applicable. Following the 6-month interim period where gatekeepers had the opportunity to adapt their business models to the regulation, the DMA now requires them to prove their effective compliance with its provisions. To do that, on 7 March 2024, the six designated gatekeepers in September (see here) presented…

We are happy to inform you that the latest issue of the journal is now available and includes the following contributions: Giorgio Monti, EU Merger Control After the Grand Chamber’s Judgment in Commission v. CK Telecoms Investments The Grand Chamber set aside the judgment of the General Court in CK Telecoms having found eight errors…

Following a slow 2022, 2023 proved to be an eventful year for competition law in Slovakia. Notably, changes took place at the helm of the Slovak Antimonopoly Office (AMO). This was overdue as the term of the previous AMO’s chairman expired in 2021, and the uncertainty seemed to be contributing to the AMO’s inactivity. The…

2023 was a watershed moment in competition law in Ireland with the start of a new civil fines regime.  A further wave of EU and Irish rules enhanced powers for the CCPC and ComReg, created two new Irish regulators and is expected to bring a radical change to enforcement across multiple sectors, such as Tech,…

The first months of application of the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) have involved a large number of notifications, lengthy and wide-ranging requests for information, and the opening of the first in-depth investigation. We take a look at the key highlights from the FSR’s opening period and practical implications for companies navigating the still quite…

This post highlights some of the most interesting competition law cases and issues discussed in Chile in 2023. Before examining each topic, however, it is important to understand how Chile´s competition system works. The Chilean system involves the intervention of three authorities: The Fiscalía Nacional Económica (“FNE”), the Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia…

The following is a selection of some important developments in German competition law and policy in 2023.  It covers the latest competition law reform, cases under special rules for digital gatekeepers, abuse of dominance, merger control, antitrust (cartels, horizontal cooperation) and damages litigation.   11th Amendment of the ARC On November 7, 2023, the latest…

Introduction Most recently, the Swiss Federal Administrative Court (the “Appeals Court”) rendered a series of judgments on the Swiss leniency regime. All cases handle suspected unlawful agreements affecting competition in the construction industry in Engadin, a mountainous region in South East Switzerland. Besides common geographic roots, the cases share another feature: they all concern appellants…