The power to conduct unannounced on-site inspections, commonly known as dawn raids, remains one of the most effective tools available to competition authorities in detecting anti-competitive practices. However, the digital transformation of business operations has introduced new complexities to these on-site inspections, particularly regarding the handling and preservation of electronic evidence. Recent decisions by the…

In Tuesday’s judgment C-253/53 – ASG 2, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) provides some clarification on the compatibility of German rules restricting the fiduciary assignment of cartel damage claims to a provider of legal services with the principle of effectiveness and the right to effective judicial protection in EU law. The ECJ took a…

The term “Assignment Model” refers to a mechanism of bundling damage claims. It is not a statutory instrument, but in some Member States, such as Germany, it is possible as a workaround. The Landgericht Dortmund (Regional Court of Dortmund) decided on referring to the ECJ for a preliminary ruling in the Roundwood Case asking about…

The scope of the protection of leniency documents appears to be the central issue when it comes to the discussion about whether there is a conflict between private and public enforcement. AG Szpunar’s statements in the recently published Opinion (C-2/23) have now shed light on the CJEU’s possible direction for how to deal with this…

The Digital Markets Act (DMA) introduced an innovative framework aimed at promoting contestability and fairness in digital markets. In addition to imposing a multitude of substantial obligations on gatekeepers, the DMA incorporates a sophisticated and multi-faceted enforcement system. The European Commission assumes the primary role as the enforcer of the DMA, while the Member States…

The contested decision With decision No. 30086 of 29th March 2022, the Italian Competition Authority (ICA) imposed a fine of more than 3.7 million euros on Caronte & Tourist S.p.A. (CT) for excessive pricing in the market for Strait of Messina’s ferry services for passengers with vehicles, where it holds a dominant position. The legal…

On the 31st of July, the European Commission issued for public consultation its (fourth) Template relating to the audited description of consumer profiling techniques pursuant to Article 15 of the DMA (the Template). The Template is inserted within the Commission’s wider transparency strategy to provide for a stream of implementing acts to secure the DMA’s…

On 23 March 2023, the European Commission issued its Decision to set up the High-Level Group for the Digital Markets Act (the ‘Decision’). In a previous blog post, the discussion of the DMA and the NCAs intervention in its monitoring and compliance was addressed (see here). Even though the first draft of the DMA issued…

The judgment of the European Court of Justice (CJEU) in Tráficos Manuel Ferrer (C-312/21) provides some clarity on the compatibility of national cost rules and judicial damages estimation with EU primary law – the effective enforcement of EU competition law – and the rules of the Damages Directive. The CJEU followed AG Kokott’s opinion to…

Over the last five years, mass litigation in the field of antitrust in Spain has rapidly increased. The so-called “Trucks Cartel Litigation” has generated thousands of judgements and dozens of referrals to the CJEU. These judgements and referrals have allowed national courts and the CJEU to clarify several legal questions, such as the temporal application…