Introduction On a number of occasions the Court of Justice (CJEU) has been tasked with deciding how familiar concepts of competition law apply to novel facts.  In Eturas (Case C-74/14, judgment of 21 January 2016), questions of how concerted practices should be considered in the online world were referred to the CJEU for a preliminary…

73d Lunch Talk of the Global Competition Law Center Thursday, March 19, 2015 from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM Joint and Several Liability for Cartel Fines: Lessons from Gigaset and Siemens Austria Onno BROUWER, Freshfields Ralf SAUER, Legal Service, European Commission Moderator: Bernd MEYRING, Linklaters and GCLC Programme: 12:00 – 12:30: Sandwich lunch and socializing…

That the ECJ rejected Tomra’s appeal was unsurprising. The strictures of the EU case law on illegal rebates for dominant companies is well known. The case law of the Court takes a near per se approach to condemning any rebate scheme linked to exclusivity, substantial volume purchases or stretch targets, taking the view that by…

On October 4, the European Court of Justice rendered its judgment in Premier League v QC Leisure. For a discussion of the background to the case and the opinion of the Advocate General see here. The Court concludes that blocking the importation of Greek pay-TV decoders into the UK restricts the freedom to provide services…