The topic of the essential facility doctrine has made unexpectedly frequent appearances in EU case law over the past few years, which continues to refine the application scope of Bronner. The recent preliminary procedure in the case of Google Android Auto will inevitably become part of this process, which may have some significant consequences in…

The recent Google Shopping ruling has already sparked much debate, and an earlier blog post offers a detailed overview of the judgment itself. Building on this, this contribution’s focus is to emphasize and discuss some aspects in the academic analysis, the judgment’s broader implications and outlook for further actions. It builds upon a recently published…

The Lindenapotheke judgment by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) marks a significant development in the interplay between data protection and unfair competition law. In this data protection case, a pharmacy filed an injunction before a national court against a competitor, operating under the name Lindenapotheke, to stop the latter’s online sale of pharmacy-only medicines….

The recent judgment of the CJEU in represents yet another development in the long series of cases concerning price parity clauses in the platform economy. In’s case, the judgment represents the end of the line for its parity clauses. In its greater context of applying EU competition law in the digital economy, the…

On September 10, 2024, the European Court of Justice (ECJ or Court) sided with the European Commission (Commission) and ruled that two Irish subsidiaries of Apple Inc. received unlawful state aid from Ireland in the form of a tax advantage (Case C-465/20 P). Ireland has reported that it will now finalise the recovery of approximately…

On 27 June 2024, the EU Court of Justice (“CJEU”) issued its judgments in the Perindopril (Servier) case. The judgments follow a European Commission (“EC”) decision of 9 July 2014, and a series of General Court (“GC”) judgments of 12 December 2018 in relation to appeals against that EC decision. The case started with a…

Background On September 5, the Advocate General Pikamäe is expected to deliver an opinion in the Caronte (C-511/23) and Trenitalia (C-510/23) cases. Despite the different legal bases, the cases revolve around the same question, that is whether competition law and consumer protection rules, read in the light of the effectiveness of administrative action, preclude national…

At a glance… Despite fielding a referral question on information exchange and ‘by object’ violations which could easily have been met with a ‘slam dunk’ but anodyne judgment, the top EU Court’s analysis turns out to be a useful lesson on the anatomy of a ‘by object’ violation in relation to standalone information exchanges. It…

In recent years, the landscape of antitrust damages actions in the European Union has evolved significantly, guided by landmark rulings from the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). Our recent paper provides a comprehensive overview of these developments as part of the Yearbook on Procedural Law of the Court of Justice of the…

On June 6, 2024, AG Collins rendered his opinion in the referral request by the Amsterdam District Court (“ADC”) regarding price parity clauses and product market definition in the context of litigation involving (“Booking”), the online platform acting as an intermediary between end customers and hotels, also called online travel agent (OTA).   Summary…