In Tuesday’s judgment C-253/53 – ASG 2, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) provides some clarification on the compatibility of German rules restricting the fiduciary assignment of cartel damage claims to a provider of legal services with the principle of effectiveness and the right to effective judicial protection in EU law. The ECJ took a…

The scope of the protection of leniency documents appears to be the central issue when it comes to the discussion about whether there is a conflict between private and public enforcement. AG Szpunar’s statements in the recently published Opinion (C-2/23) have now shed light on the CJEU’s possible direction for how to deal with this…

Introduction Cartel damages proceedings are a highly interdisciplinary endeavour between lawyers and economists in many jurisdictions, including Germany. Lawyers and courts in such proceedings must, among other things, answer a fundamentally economic question—namely, what would have been the price in a market absent the infringement? In addition, the European Damages Directive of 2014 has set…

Introduction The Civil Chamber of the Spanish Supreme Court has already issued forty judgments ruling on appeals against judgments of the Courts of Appeal on claims for damages caused by the truck cartel. The Courts of Appeal have now handed down 4315 rulings on compensation for more than 25,000 cartelized trucks, 95% of them (partially)…

Introduction Last week, Advocate General Maciej Szpunar delivered his Opinion in case C-253/23, a preliminary reference that stems from a form of collective private enforcement of competition law in Germany called the ‘assignment model’. This type of litigation is based on the fiduciary assignment of claims from a high number of persons or companies who…

Executive Summary On 20 February 2024, the German Federal Court of Justice (“FCJ“) ruled on the disclosure of trade secrets in antitrust proceedings. The underlying case (File No. KVB 69/23) concerns the German Federal Cartel Office’s (“FCO“) antitrust investigation into Google’s business practices and the FCO’s intention to disclose information to a third party TomTom,…

In recent years, the landscape of antitrust damages actions in the European Union has evolved significantly, guided by landmark rulings from the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). Our recent paper provides a comprehensive overview of these developments as part of the Yearbook on Procedural Law of the Court of Justice of the…

According to the German philosopher Johann Gottfried Herder, the two greatest tyrants on Earth are chance and time. The word ‘tyrant’ is derived from Ancient Greek ‘tyrannos’ to describe an ‘absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution’. Certainly, actions for damages in competition law may depend on numerous factors substantially determined by chance (e.g. questions…

Introduction Nowadays, it is not uncommon for Spanish courts to have to rule on disputes where there is uniformity in the facts and the applicable legal rules. In civil courts, mass litigation arose as a result of nullity suits filed by consumers in banking and financial matters regarding contracts for the subscription of banking products…

The Digital Markets Act (DMA) introduced an innovative framework aimed at promoting contestability and fairness in digital markets. In addition to imposing a multitude of substantial obligations on gatekeepers, the DMA incorporates a sophisticated and multi-faceted enforcement system. The European Commission assumes the primary role as the enforcer of the DMA, while the Member States…