Introduction Companies are increasingly aware of the significance of complying with all applicable laws when carrying out their business activities. As a result, companies (both small and large) have implemented compliance programmes covering the most relevant areas of law, to ensure that they comply with these rules to avoid severe consequences, such as high fines…

The Digital Markets Act (DMA)’s provisions started to apply on 2 May 2023. Since then, undertakings have been forced to check whether they met the quantitative thresholds. If that was the case, the DMA compelled them to notify their potential gatekeeper status to the European Commission. The first wave of designation decisions relating to six gatekeepers…

Introduction Companies nowadays are subject to strict regulations in different areas of law. These regulations have obliged companies to implement compliance programmes to ensure that they comply with these rules to avoid severe consequences. Compliance programmes were originally focused on criminal matters. However, compliance programmes have now also expanded to other areas of law such…

Ever since its introduction in 2021, Section 19a of the German Act against Restraints of Competition (Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen or “GWB”) has attracted attention, not only in Germany, but also around the globe. Through this provision, the national legislator strengthened the regulatory framework against potentially anti-competitive practices by specific market players, namely “undertakings of paramount…

On 7 November 2022, the European Commission published a proposal for a Regulation on the collection and exchange of data on short-term rental services, with the aim of establishing harmonized rules and providing public authorities access to data. The initiative intends to facilitate the development of a responsible, fair, and trusted growth of short-term rentals…

Traditionally August isn’t the busiest month for Chinese antitrust enforcement. This year is no exception. But that doesn’t mean that Chinese antitrust regulators weren’t active. On the contrary. It seems many of them used the ‘summer lull’ to work on a specific project: issuing antitrust compliance guidelines. Indeed, last month, three provincial offices of the…