Introduction Big tech platforms possess characteristics that lead to entrenched structural power and a lack of competition. One notable feature is the existence of extreme economies of scale, arising from the minimal marginal costs associated with additional business users or end users. Furthermore, the services offered by these platforms exhibit strong network effects and an…

The topic of the essential facility doctrine has made unexpectedly frequent appearances in EU case law over the past few years, which continues to refine the application scope of Bronner. The recent preliminary procedure in the case of Google Android Auto will inevitably become part of this process, which may have some significant consequences in…

On 18th November 2024, the Competition Commission of India (“CCI”) made history by imposing a penalty of Indian Rupees 2.13 billion (approximately USD 25.3 million), alongside cease-and-desist directions on Meta for abusing its dominant position (In Re: Updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for WhatsApp users). The order was passed in relation to WhatsApp’s…

The recent Google Shopping ruling has already sparked much debate, and an earlier blog post offers a detailed overview of the judgment itself. Building on this, this contribution’s focus is to emphasize and discuss some aspects in the academic analysis, the judgment’s broader implications and outlook for further actions. It builds upon a recently published…

Introduction The decision of the ECJ of 10th of September 2024 (C-48/22 P) brings the Google Shopping saga to an end. The decision by the highest court confirms the conviction of Alphabet by the General Court (T-612/17) (see the blogpost on General Court’s decision here). The European Commission had previously imposed a record fine of…

The UK Competition and Market Authority has launched an investigation into Ticketmaster over its dynamic pricing of concert tickets. This follows widespread complaints about Ticketmaster increasing ticket prices in response to large demand for band Oasis’s reunion tour. Dynamic pricing is not a new practice. Airlines and ride-hailing companies like Uber are particularly well-known for…

Introduction Over the summer, the Commission published its long-awaited draft Article 102 Guidelines (‘draft GL’) for comments.[1] The stated intention of the Commission is to base the Guidelines on the case law of the Union Courts (§9). The stated goals of the Guidelines are to allow a vigorous and effective application of Article 102, but…

On 27 June 2024, the EU Court of Justice (“CJEU”) issued its judgments in the Perindopril (Servier) case. The judgments follow a European Commission (“EC”) decision of 9 July 2014, and a series of General Court (“GC”) judgments of 12 December 2018 in relation to appeals against that EC decision. The case started with a…

The European Commission has published for public consultation its long-awaited draft Guidelines on exclusionary abuses (draft Guidelines). The draft Guidelines aim at making it faster and easier for the Commission to pursue abuse of dominance cases, in particular by classifying a number of practices as “presumptively harmful”. This represents a marked departure from the 2008…

Background Asymmetrical relationships can be defined as unequal status or power relations between participants, whose roles are termed superior (…) and subordinate. Expectations and behaviour are largely non-reciprocal (…). This may be reflected in the initiation, termination, direction, amount, form, or style of the communication that takes place. (…) (Goffman).’ (Oxford Reference). Apple was fined…