Competition policy For the Czech competition law, 2023 was a year of significant developments. To begin with, after more than 2 years after the implementation deadline, the Czech Competition Act was finally brought in line with the ECN+ Directive. The Czech Parliament used the amendment to introduce numerous changes to the existing toolkit of the…

Following a slow 2022, 2023 proved to be an eventful year for competition law in Slovakia. Notably, changes took place at the helm of the Slovak Antimonopoly Office (AMO). This was overdue as the term of the previous AMO’s chairman expired in 2021, and the uncertainty seemed to be contributing to the AMO’s inactivity. The…

The level of enforcement of competition law in Slovakia in 2022 was noticeably lower compared to previous years. Outside merger control, where the Slovak Antimonopoly Office’s (AMO) activity is less influenced by its leadership, the AMO was rather inactive. It issued no relevant decisions in the area of restrictive agreements and carried out only a…