Thank you for another wonderful and eventful year in competition law and policy.
In 2022, the ten most read blogposts were:
- Shamsher Kataria v. Honda Siel Cars India Ltd. – Great End, but Means?
by Ayushi Singhal (West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences) - What to consider restrictive by object?
by Christian Bergqvist - Google Shopping: The General Court takes its position
by Johannes Persch (University of Mannheim) - Penetrative Pricing: Understanding its Evolution and Rationale Under the Indian Competition Law Regime Through the Revolutionary Jio Case
by Priyadarshee Mukhopadhyay (National Law University Odisha) - How Indispensable is the Indispensability Criterion in Cases of Refusal to Supply Competitors by Dominant Companies? (Slovak Telekom, C-165/19 P)
by Jose Rivas (Bird and Bird) - Green Channel Route: Resolving the Impediment and Procedural Infirmities
by Apurv Umredkar (Samvad Partners) - How Illumina-ting: the EU Merger Regulation and the brutal operation of power under Article 22 EUMR
by Gavin Bushell (Baker McKenzie) - The Digital Markets Act – We gonna catch ‘em all?
by Florian Heimann (Universität Würzburg) - Main Developments in Competition Law and Policy 2021 – European Union
by Lena Hornkohl (University of Vienna) - New EU competition rules for distribution agreements
by Katarzyna Czapracka, Tilman Kuhn, Strati Sakellariou-Witt and Peter Citron (White & Case)
We are looking forward to discuss the upcoming competition law challenges with you on the blog next year and will start 2023 by continuing our beloved series of main developments in competition law and policy (see first contributions here). In the meantime, the Kluwer Competition Law Blog will take a winter break and welcomes you back on 2 January 2023.
Happy Christmas and a wonderful new year!
Peter, Lena and Alba
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