A Brexit Competition Law Working Group has been formed, chaired by Sir John Vickers. The other members are Jon Turner QC, Amelia Fletcher, John Fingleton, Sir Nicholas Forwood, Ali Nikpay and Richard Whish.
The aim of the group is to stimulate debate and develop practical policy suggestions for Government on issues for UK competition law and policy arising from the Brexit decision.
The Group would very much welcome your input into its work. It has published an “issues paper”, which can be viewed on the website (http://www.bclwg.org), and seeks contributions from those with knowledge and expertise in the field, ideally by 30 November 2016. Blue sky thinking as well as detailed practical suggestions are all welcome, and important. These can be posted on the website, or sent to one or more of the Group’s members.
A final report will be submitted to Government and published early in 2017.
Please do contribute if you can.
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