Almost two years into application of the new Croatian Competition Act (“Act”), the Croatian Competition Agency (“CCA“) has for the first time penalized undertakings involved in anticompetitive conduct. Under the previously applicable Competition Act (in force between 2003 and 2010), the CCA was authorized solely to establish a violation of competition law. A separate fining…

Public procurements significantly add to the Croatian gross domestic product. Available data for 2011 reveal that public procurement contracts accounted for roughly 10% of the Croatian GDP. At the same time, based on the number of relevant decisions of the Croatian Competition Agency (“Agency”) and public statements of the Agency’s officials, cartels and cartel like…

On April 5, 2012 the Croatian Competition Agency (“Agency”) rendered a decision rejecting a complaint against the company Prirodni Plin d.o.o. (Natural Gas Ltd – “NG”) for abuse of dominant position on the market for supply/sale of natural gas. As a curious but rather usual occurrence in Croatian business practice, the complaint was submitted by…